Scripture Reading…Proverbs 2:6-8
Wisdom is the Christ-honoring application of knowledge. Who is the wisest person you know? Why do you think of them in that way? We all want to grow in our wisdom. There is no age at which one declares, “I have it all figured out!” We must constantly seek wisdom all the days of our life! So how could we attain more wisdom? James is inspired to teach us, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking” James 1:5. Bible study and prayer is the path to wisdom. It’s vital to stay connected to the Word!
Have you ever asked God for wisdom? Solomon did it, and God honored his request! In 1 Kings 3:6-12, we read of the request and God’s response! He sought wisdom for the benefit of others! If there’s anything that grabs God’s attention, it’s our requests for others. He wants us to love each other, and by our love for one another, we truly love the Lord!
Life doesn’t improve by chance. It doesn’t get easier because we’re so powerful as to make everything work out in our favor. No, it’s by the grace of God that our lives are where they are - for His glory! If we are seeking wisdom from God, we will surround ourselves with others who are also seeking His way of life. The influence of our friends & family will be an important part of our journey towards spiritual maturity or away from it! We should ask ourselves, “who am I around?” “What are they doing?” “What do they encourage me to read/watch?” “How will I grow closer to God because of my association with them?” And don’t forget to flip it around, “How will they grow closer to God because of my influence?”
Walk at least one mile today.
Respond to the online community.
Today, read from God’s word, look for wisdom, ask Him to reveal it to you. Then, take that wisdom and post it on social media AND our on-line community, or bring it into a conversation. Ask for other’s thoughts about it and create a conversation that brings glory to God’s Name and His Word!
.I think one reason–maybe the main reason–that makes it difficult for us to be humble is due to what we see and hear in practically all media outlets. Humility is not considered an asset in today's society. It is generally equated with weakness. Many who are in high places–especially in government–got to those positions by using arrogance and intimidation as tools, traits that are the very opposite of humility.
But biblical humility does not at all indicate weakness, It takes courage and conviction to achieve biblical humility. Biblical humility means that you realize that you need God. In Matthew 5:3, Jesus say, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
"Poor in spirit"in this passage…
I am studying with a group of guys on Wednesday morning from the book of James. James is like the NT version of Proverbs. It’s full of all kinds of practical advice for Christian living. In James we have the verse that could solve so many of the world’s problem…humble yourself and God will lift you up. I am looking square at myself when I say humility is so lacking in this world. Why is humility so difficult for him and to grasp? I would love to hear your thoughts on that!!!
Many times I have prayed before a read my Bible that God would reveal to me what I needed to hear in that moment. It has been amazing over and over to see how applicable His word will make known to me words of comfort, encouragement, rebuke or wisdom. Today, I prayed and then just let my bible open. It opened to Job’s friends. Wow! I pondered their friendships. I do believe they truly cared about Job, but lacked knowledge and wisdom in their advice. I thought about my friends and the godly advice they have given me through the years. Then, I thought about the importance of my tongue and the guidance and counsel it gives. Do I pu…