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Connecting to Family - May 11th

Scripture Reading…Colossians 3:12-15


In all the world, what a blessing to be a part of a family that will be family in eternity as well. The Scriptures teach that “marriage ends in physical death” Romans 7:2-3. Yet, if our physical family is also our family in Christ, we will go on into eternity together at least as the closest of friends! What a life we are blessed to live, hand in hand with fellow heirs of eternal salvation in Christ! If our parents are believers, then they are our spiritual brother and sister! If our children are believers, they in turn are our spiritual brothers and sisters! Together we get to live out our days in service to God and to one another with the confidence that comes from knowing Jesus as Lord!

When we think of our families as spiritual beings who will live forever, it helps us to be patient, kind & loving. The truth of eternal life brings everyday frustrations into perspective. The eyes you look into at home; will one day look into the eyes of Jesus! His peace can create in us and in our homes a type of “heaven on Earth” as we treat each other as we should. It’s too easy sometimes, to read scriptures like our reading today and think of those outside our homes. But let’s make sure we apply this scripture to those who we live with also!

As God’s chosen ones, set apart from the disaster of worldly living, live a life of love, it’s what God wants for you and your family! Adorn your life with compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength and discipline. Be steady and content because you have knowledge of eternity! Forgive one another quickly, and praise God for giving you to one another as precious family both here and now, and in eternity! Your joy will overflow as you lift one another up in godly service and encouragement!


  • Walk at least one mile today.

  • Respond to the online community.

  • Dinner at the table with as much as of the family as possible…you can do it!!!

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