Scripture Reading…John 15:1-13
If there was ever a passage of scripture that speaks to the importance of connecting to God, it is John 15. Verse 5 sums it up well, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bear much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” Jesus couldn’t have been clearer, connection to the vine equals growth, life, vitality. Disconnected from the vine, there is only stagnation and death.
Disconnected from Jesus we can do nothing. Nothing, that is, of lasting or eternal value. Nothing that lasts beyond the short term. So, the question we need to wrestle with is how do we stay connected to Jesus? First, I think we MUST remain in the community that knows and loves Jesus and celebrates him as the King of Kings. We cannot go it alone!!! At the same time, we must become a people of prayer and worship in our own personal lives as well. Finally, this isn’t fun, but Jesus makes it clear in John 15 that we must be ready for the Father’s pruning knife. God is glorified, and so will we be, by bearing good quality fruit, and lots of it!!! For that to happen, there will be some things God has to cut away. Remember this, N.T. Wright said it this way, “The vine dresser is never closer to the vine, taking more thought over its long-term health and productivity, than when he has the knife in his hand.”
Walk at least one mile today.
Respond to the online community.
If you are able, go buy a plant, a flower, or something that you can plant in your yard or in a pot. Then plant it! if you have kids, plant it with them, or talk to them about how God cares for us so much better than the lilies of the field. Every time you water that plant or move to take care of your plant, I hope you will think of God’s constant care for you.
I normally think I have the right answer, especially when it comes to my personal situation. That is why pruning for growth is so hard. It disrupts our routines and plans. But if i can stay closer to God, it is easier to see with his eyes and his plan.
I wonder if I were to make a list of things that disconnect me from God along side of a list of things that connect me to God, and then put it in a place where I would see it daily, would it help me to stay focused on both what I need to do to stay connected, and also remind me of things that distract me, or in some manner cause a disconnect with God.
If we were all to make lists, it is very unlikely that any two of them would be exactly the same, But we would not be looking for uniformity in those lists. We would be looking to identify things in our personal environments an…
Re-read John 15. See how many times you see the word ABIDE. Abiding that act of remaining, fixed and close to God and He to you!!!
The Father‘s pruning knife isn’t fun but it is necessary. I know I often want out of difficulty as quickly as possible. I often run from the fathers pruning knife but if I continue to do that I’m going miss what he has for my life and who he is trying to shape me to be. So while I do not invite difficulty and problems, I do know God can use them and so I choose to trust that the father loves me and has my best interest in mind.