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Connecting to Others - May 16th


Scripture Reading…John 17:1-26


Jesus prays right before he goes to the cross for UNITY. Unity, not just for those who were with him in the upper room, but unity even for those who would believe in him through the words of the Apostles later…that is us. Our unity is so important. In fact, Jesus says it is by our unity that OTHERS, those who are not followers of Jesus, will come to know about and be drawn to Jesus. That means that one of the greatest evangelistic tools we have is our oneness and unity with one another. Have you ever thought about that???

We need to share the gospel with others. We need to show by our example and our words that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. We need to serve others because Jesus says that is the true measure of greatness. All of that is true, but equally important is the unity of the body of Christ. Without that unity we might not ever get an opportunity to open our mouths and speak about Jesus’ life and death for them and the hope of eternal life that is found in him.

Here is what all this means…while not the ONLY thing, one of the best things I can do for the church is love my brothers and sisters the way Jesus loved me. Why? Because that is how everyone else, the whole world in fact, will know that I am a follower of Jesus and that is how all will know that Jesus was sent by God to the world. This kind of love is not on display much in our world, so showing that genuine love and concern will cause others to notice and want it themselves.


  • Walk at least one mile today.

  • Respond to the online community.

  • Every Monday at Beltline we have a program called Monday for the Master. It meets at 6:00 P.M. During that time, cards are written, visits are made, and a good word is put in for Jesus. Talk to Trae, get a name of someone who needs a visit, and go make it tonight!!! Maybe it’s a shut-in or maybe it’s someone in the hospital, regardless go visit someone tonight.

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April Gwin
April Gwin

Living like verses 11-12. The idea of “keeping” each other. That sense of holding on to each other. Seeing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as one. Not individuals separate from each other. We all should strive to have that oneness and wholeness. Each of us working together “keeping and holding on” to each other as a complete, single unit. Don’t let go!!!



I think forgiveness makes it hard to love others. It is much easier to love those who have never wronged you, but to have to be the first to forgive is not an easy task. It’s easy to love when they agree with us or look like us, but not as easy when they are different.


Danny Truitt
Danny Truitt

I believe the main thing that prevents us from loving one another as Jesus prayed that we would is due to boundaries that we set that are not based on biblical criteria. Things such as educational level, social status in the church and/or the community, occupation, financial status, race, what football team you are a fan of, and others. Maybe this is not a problem for everyone, but I struggle with this more often than I would like to admit.



John 17 is a powerful section of scripture!!! Every time I read it, I walk away with new truths, and a greater conviction in my walk with Christ. Our love for each other is what will draw others to Jesus. Simple to say, simple to understand, really hard to live out consistently. Why do you think that is? I would love to hear some comments about this topic...

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