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Connecting to Others - May 17th

Scripture Reading…Genesis 12:1-9, 1 Peter 2:9-25


I (Steve) chose this text because I think it is so important to understand the promise God made to Abram. He said that Abram would (1) be made into a great nation, (2) he would have a great name and land, and (3) in Abram’s offspring ALL the families of the earth would be blessed. As time when by, the Israelites forget part 3 of this promise. They were happy with the great nation, to have a great land and name, but they lost sight of being a blessing to others. Instead of God’s blessings overflowing from them to others, they turned inward. They tried instead, to keep it all to themselves. God was not pleased. Jesus comes into the world and calls them back to THIS particular part of the promise. He turns over tables, reminds them that his Father’s house was to be house of prayer for ALL nations. He reaches to people who no one else would give a second thought. He does that and sooooooo much more!! Sadly, they decided to kill Jesus rather than change their ways.

Peter, in today’s scripture reading, says that the church today has been given similar promises and calls us to be like Jesus in how we treat others. Can you pick out the promises and call to action in those verses? Go back and give it a try!! I pray that the church today can get right what Israel got wrong. Let’s start today trying to do just that. Let’s start today being a blessing to those around us.


  • Walk at least one mile today.

  • Respond to the online community.

  • Let today be a day of service. Find a group in our community, find a friend who needs some help with something and go to it. By the way the family that SERVES together, stays together!!! Let me encourage you to serve someone OUTSIDE of the church today.

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