Scripture Reading…Acts 10:1-48
Acts 10 is the beginning of the expansion of the church to the Gentiles. I (Steve) love this account. Here is what I love most about this text: Peter says, “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.” This was such a gigantic shift in Peter’s thinking!!! If God welcomed OTHERS who feared him and because of their understanding of who he was reflected that by their lives, then we must do the same. Our job is not to keep people away from Jesus, but to help them draw near to him.
What did Peter do with this new knowledge of God? He shared the gospel, the same gospel he had received and obeyed, with the “OTHERS.” And because he did the church was forever changed and people like you and me (Gentiles) were welcomed into the family of God. In fact, these OTHERS received salvation and the Holy Spirit in the exact same way those first believers did back in Acts 2. The gospel is not just for us…it is for OTHERS too. Let’s not keep this great news of salvation that is available to everyone to ourselves. Let’s connect with people for a purpose…the purpose of introducing them to King Jesus.
Walk at least one mile today.
Respond to the online community.
Yesterday, you were challenged to serve someone OUTSIDE of the church. Today, we return to a day of service, but today the challenge is to serve someone INSIDE the church. Visit a shut-in, takes someone to lunch, invite someone to your home, mow a yard, fix a broken something. The list is endless…do something for a brother or sister today!!!
We know going in that only a small percentage of those we try to teach will be baptized into the family of God. However, we should not let that discourage us. God wants us to teach others the Gospel, but he doesn't grade us on the percentage of converts we have. Be alert and watch for opportunities to teach.
The gospel is always "others" focused. We were one of those "others" when we heard and responded and now we are called to reach other "others" with the same message that saved us!