Scripture Reading…1 Thess. 2:17-20; Galatians 6:2; Genesis 2:18
Loneliness is one of the most devastating circumstances to deal with in this life. There’s a feeling of being unwanted or uncared for that chokes out hope and leads far too many to deaths from despair! Loneliness doesn’t necessarily mean we aren’t around other people. You can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely. It’s not being alone that makes us feel lonely, it’s feeling alone. At the beginning, each creation was declared “good” until God spoke about man being alone, Genesis 2:18. So, God created us to connect to one another. Loneliness is a big “red flag” in our hearts that should compel us to invest in one another!
We should develop an intense desire to be with one another. This will both protect our own hearts from loneliness and prevent it from gripping our loved ones. To cultivate those relationships and that desire in our hearts, we must make a consistent intentional effort to be with others. Social media can’t replace the touch of a friend. Online communities will never be as strong as personal community. When we connect with others personally, we create friendships and protect one another from loneliness. This is why the church family is so important. Investing in one another because of our faith in Christ intertwines our hearts for His glory! We’re being conditioned by our constant use of social media to make superficial connections without commitment. You may have connections, but without commitment you’ll never feel community. The proof of your commitment is simply showing up. Your presence speaks volumes to those around you. And if you struggle to care for those you are around, start praying for them. Your heart will follow your prayers. Satan targets community by undermining commitment! Make a commitment to face-to-face personal relationships in Christ!
If you are lonely, we want to help you overcome that isolation. Loneliness increases the mortality rate as much as smoking! It’s twice as bad for your health as obesity. It can impair your immune function & boost inflammation! Please remember that this church wants to help. There are others who feel lonely, and we could be together building one another up in the Lord. So reach out. Get involved. Make a commitment.
Walk at least one mile today.
Respond to the online community.
You get no free pass from the sin of slander when it pertains to an enemy, a heretic, or a politician. Each of these people is made in the image of God and each of them deserves to be spoken of in a way that befits their humanity. Only ever speak of them what is demonstrably and provably true. And even that doesn’t always need to be shared. Commit today to say not negative words about another person.
OK, I'.ve got to do a little testifying! Unfortunately, I've had health issues for several years now. Deborah has had a couple of surgeries during that time. I had trouble–especially early on–understanding how in the world things could be this way. After all, Paul, the apostle, said that "for those that love God, all things work together for good." (Rom. 8:28).
So what good came from my years of suffering? First of all, It helped me to learn that God didn't promise me health and wealth. What he promised me was a life with him in eternity, where there is no sickness or death, if I believe–and act on–his word as taught by Jesus and the inspired New Testament writers.
I love the Galatians 6:2 passage...bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. This verse implies that we are connected to each other, that we know what is going on in each other's life, and that we are willing to step in when we need to help them take on their difficulties and challenges. Be willing to step in to someone's life!
I am so glad this social distancing thing is diminishing. Human touch is a huge part of how we interact with others. We shake our co-workers’ hands, hug our loved ones, and high-five our friends. We bond through physical touch. Touch is one of the ways we establish CONNECTION, a way to build a relationship with someone and it also is a tool to communicate warmth, admiration, and even a feeling of compassion. We see over and over how Jesus laid his hands on people or touched them. I like the visual of when the disciples were trying to keep the children away from Jesus and he rebuked them… “And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his…