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Connecting to Others - May 20th


Scripture Reading…Psalm 92:12-15


Do you feel like you’re planted in the house of the Lord, and that your spiritual life can be described as “flourishing”? We don’t use that word much. It’s defined like this: “to be in a vigorous state; to thrive, to prosper.” If this word isn’t a good description of your spiritual life, is it possible that you haven’t been “planted in the House of the Lord?” This isn’t about being religious, or even going to church each week. Those things flow from a life that’s deeply connected to Jesus. A life that lives to accomplish His mission of saving the lost! Our Savior is calling us to “be the church” every day and continue what he started!

Being the church means that we’re involved in each other’s lives. It matters that we’re involved and engaged with others, to strengthen and encourage the mission of Christ in our community! Being the church recognizes God’s direction through the Scriptures, and obediently lives as He has taught. If a person is “planted in the house of the Lord” they fill their mind with truth bringing every thought under His authority, (2 Corinthians 10:5). God’s direction always points us back to one another!

Being the church means that we’re devoted to our church family. Faithful Christians create an intentional community. One of my favorite authors, Bob Goff says, “People grow where they’re truly accepted, not where they’re merely informed.” We are members of the same body, His body, (1 Corinthians 12). You’re my arm, or my eyes, we are so indispensable to one another that life can’t be the same without one another! By deliberately and intentionally sharing with one another, we’re recreating the family; a community with shared life, peace and spiritual rhythms! Let’s be committed to being the church every day!


  • Walk at least one mile today.

  • Respond to the online community.

  • How could you meet someone else’s needs today? Deliberately and intentionally seek out another person to serve. You don’t need a service time to love your brothers or sisters, you just need to love them. How will you show that love today?

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Danny Truitt
Danny Truitt
May 21, 2022

The degree of our involvement in any environment–church, family, work, school–is directly related to the degree of acceptance we receive in those areas. Our acceptance of others can sometimes be hindered by things such as financial status, education, skin color, age, politics, and many other things. We need to make our best effort to understand that we're all accepted by God if we follow his commands.


May 20, 2022

I love the thought that people grow where they are accepted!!! We don’t have to love what people do but do have to love people and serve people. That is part of what it means, in my opinion, to be planted in the house of the Lord. It is to know whose you are and because of that being able to be and act differently than those who don’t have Jesus.

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