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Connecting to the Word - May 25th


Scripture Reading…Ephesians 5:15-20


Have you ever been misunderstood? It’s frustrating to attempt to express your feelings, and for those expressions to be taken in the wrong way. You know, God wants to be understood as well. He has given us the Bible as a way to communicate to us, even to our hearts. He wants to lead us into life everlasting, and He expects us to comprehend what He is saying! In Ephesians 5:15-20, His intentions are very clear. He wants us to “understand what the Lord wants you to do” NLT. We are to be thoughtful! To think about what we’ve read in the revealed Word of God and then to allow that knowledge to become faithful actions! “So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ” Romans 10:17.

If you wonder, “What’s God’s will for my life?” Read 1 Thessalonians 4:3, “God’s will is for you to be holy…” In all things, you can quickly evaluate right from wrong by remembering this scripture! And then acting on its instruction.

God will guide us into truth through His Word, John 16:13. It’s possible that we have believed false ideas. God sets us free from the bondage of sin by telling us the truth, John 8:32. The Bible will both correct those errors, and it will reveal the truth, 1 Timothy 3:16-17. To say that the Bible is not understandable, is to doubt the ability God has to communicate with His creation! That’s just not possible. He loves us, and He wants to teach us how to become more like Him. How will you prepare yourself to understand the Bible even better this week?


  • Walk at least one mile today.

  • Respond to the online community.

  • Tell God about the people who have hurt or upset you today. Ask God to help you love them. then ask God to forgive them for hurting you. Talk about forgiveness when you respond to the online community today. Why it is so hard, why it is so important, etc…

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Danny Truitt
Danny Truitt
May 26, 2022

I've been aquatinted through the years with circumstances where forgiveness fell on hard ground. The question was asked, "Have you forgiven him/her for hurting/wronging you"? The answer, many times has been, "He/she hasn't asked for my forgiveness."

For the Christian, our forgiveness should not depend on whether or not the person who has offended us asks for it. It's our Christian duty to forgive without any requirements attached to it. Jesus set an example for us by forgiving those who gave him a cruel death on the cross (Luke 3;34). Forgiveness for someone who has done you wrong and has no remorse for it may be one of the most difficult things to do, but it is the right thing.


April Gwin
April Gwin
May 26, 2022

When our children make mistakes, bad decisions, or engage in sinful acts, usually we are patient, long suffering, and our focus is usually trying to pick them back up and helping them to recover from their failings. Many times forgiveness doesn’t even come to our minds when dealing with our kids because we aren’t focused on how we feel and how it affected me, but our concentration is on restoring our child. I think if I could strive to look at others the way I look at my children, I know forgiveness would come much quicker. “Above all, have fervent and unfailing love for one another, because…love covers a multitude of sins.” [it overlooks unkindness and unselfishly seeks the best…


May 26, 2022

Forgiveness is hard because of the humility it takes to not only forgive, but often times choose to be silent. When others wrong us or tell lies about us, the world says that I have every right to shout my side of the story and do to them what they have done to me. But God says turn the other cheek and choose forgiveness and love. Hurt people often times hurt other people. It’s just our natural reaction but we are called to love no matter the situation.


May 25, 2022

Forgiveness is so difficult. When people hurt you, the natural response is to hurt back or rally the troops against them. Jesus, however, was pretty clear about forgiveness and how important it is. I think sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking that because I said the words...I forgive you (at least to ourselves or God) that is it. Forgiveness, however, is more than just words, it is choosing to NOT treat the other person the way they treated you. It is to NOT deal with them the way their actions probably deserve.

Remember, if we want forgiveness we MUST be willing to forgive.

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