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Connecting to the Word - May 26th


Scripture Reading…Acts 17:16-34


I (Steve) am writing this while I am waiting to board an airplane to Dallas, Texas. I am performing a wedding just west of there on Saturday. I am about to get on a large aluminum tube, travel at over 500 mph, and trust my life to a pilot I cannot see and have never met. When you put it that way, it seems a bit crazy, and yet we board these planes by the millions every day. We put our trust in a pilot who speaks to us for about twenty seconds and then goes about his business.

Our God is a revealing God. He isn’t flying this whole world, hidden from us. He didn’t spend twenty seconds creating the world and then went off about his business. And while we ARE told to seek him, it is important to remember that the seeking that is talked about here in Acts 17 is not the hide and seek kind of seeking. This is not close your eyes count to ten and then go find Jesus. By no means! Instead, He has perfectly revealed himself to us in what he has been written. Faith, Paul would say, comes by hearing the word of God. God is calling us to examine the evidence, to do the hard work that leads to faith. When we do, what we find is exactly what Acts 17 says…“he is not far from each of us.” He is near and he is available. He has been pursing us all along. As Psalm 139 reminds us, there is nowhere we can go where God isn’t already seeking us.

Connect with the word of God and you will connect with the God of the word!!!


  • Walk at least one mile today.

  • Respond to the online community.

  • We are going to return to a time of FASTING today. We did this earlier, let’s try again…

    • First, I want you to skip a meal (if you are medically able to do so). Replace that meal with a time of prayer, replace that meal with a time of meditation, a time where you draw near to God. Whatever time you would normally take to eat, dedicate it back to God. Let him be your food for at least one meal today.

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Danny Truitt
Danny Truitt
May 26, 2022

Excellent devotional And I agree with Steve, April. Well said. I can't add to that!


May 26, 2022

That is so good April!! Seeking to be in his presence not to receive something is an indicator of growth and maturity!!! My we all magnify the word of God in our lives.


April Gwin
April Gwin
May 26, 2022

Seeking God's face is to desire to be in His presence, not necessarily to receive anything, but just to be with Him. I picked up a magnifying glass off of my desk today. Everything I looked at was clear, precise, so much greater! I want to look at the pages of God’s word with that intensity; with a heart that is open, a soul that is SEEKING and a love that is growing for the Lord. I want to magnify the word of God in my own life. You will SEEK the Lord your God and you will FIND him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy‬ ‭4:29 I pray that we can get…

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